About Me

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Back in 2010, I decided to try my hand at creating custom mobile applications for the recently released iPhone and tumbled head first into the rabbit hole of coding and mobile development. Fast-forward to today, and I’ve had the privilege of having worked on all phases of the software development lifecycle for enterprise clients on behalf of consulting firms, local government and small business. I have experience developing a broad range of software applications, from enterprise applications to graphically intense games, image-, and speech-processing, as well as artificial intelligence. In recent years I have specialised on mobile software development, and have commercial experience with iOS and Android mobile application development. I have been able to work on mobile applications for well-known brands, such as CBRE, Sunsuper, Dominos Pizza Enterprises Ltd, Tatts Group, Optus, LEAP Legal Software, Ergon Energy, ABC Television Network, and the Queensland Government Department of Education and Training.
When I’m not at the computer, I’m usually walking the dog or hanging out with my family.